<TITLE>Savage Stevens 980-DL-987 .22 Rifle Manual</TITLE>
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<CENTER><H2><B><U>Savage Stevens 980-DL-987 .22 Rifle Manual</U></B></H2></CENTER>
<P>My 22 rifle is a Savage Stevens, and I have the Manual that came with it. I have scanned it and posted the jpgs on my website. If you need the manual, you may click on the following links, and either save or print them out. The manual has four pages, however I took one of the pages and made two larger blow ups for it, so there are six pages listed below. Happy shooting!
<CENTER><P><A HREF="savman01.jpg">Page one</A>
<P><A HREF="savman02.jpg">Page two</A>
<P><A HREF="savman03.jpg">Page three</A>
<P><A HREF="savman04.jpg">Page four</A>
<P><A HREF="savman05.jpg">Page five (blowup)</A>
<P><A HREF="savman06.jpg">Page six (blowup)</A></CENTER>
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